1.   Each school had to overcome numerous barriers to reform through the collective work of all the faculty.

2.   Effective Listening Senders can overcome communication barriers by spending more time listening.

3.   Kellock has since retitled its service Cashflow Finance in an attempt to overcome this barrier.

4.   People who have overcome extreme barriers deserve a reward and this is the reward I want.

5.   They also can help students overcome barriers to success, frustration, and pain, helping them grow to greater self-sufficiency.

6.   Openness, and a spirit of generosity towards other people and what makes them tick, can enable very great barriers to be overcome.

7.   And, from Nicaragua, Ntozake Shange ruminates on how Motown overcomes the barriers of language and custom.

8.   Any such assault on almost universally held beliefs must, of course, overcome a barrier of incredulity.

9.   Bilingual staff members are available to help Hispanic children overcome language barriers.

10.   Both are fiery and determined as they attempt to overcome the barriers of sexist stereotypes and should be good role models for young girls.

v. + barrier >>共 231
remove 11.68%
lower 7.31%
erect 6.48%
break 5.09%
reduce 4.98%
eliminate 4.76%
break_down 2.77%
overcome 2.71%
lift 2.71%
dismantle 2.55%
overcome + n. >>共 857
problem 10.20%
obstacle 5.84%
difference 3.51%
fear 2.95%
difficulty 2.35%
resistance 2.22%
adversity 2.10%
hurdle 2.10%
opposition 1.96%
loss 1.71%
barrier 1.13%
每页显示:    共 49